●Bachelor of Theology at STT Abdi Sabda Medan (2007-2012) with Cumlaude predicate, (grade point 3.51 out of 4.0 scale with 160 credits).●Master of Theology 2018-2020 at Yonsei University - South Korea (completed in 2020, 45 credits, grade point of 4.01 from a scale of 4.3).●Currently pursuing doctoral studies at the same university with full scholarship grants.●Research Assistant at Yonsei University – 2021●Member of Korean Forum for Science and Life 2021 – Now●Co-Moderator of Sumatran Theologians Networks 2021 – Now●International Speaker at Lutheran World Federation’s Conference – Religious Life and Public Space in Asia - Hong Kong 2015.
Recent Publications:
● “Deliverance, Mental Health, and Prosperity: A Holistic Diaconial Perspective from Indonesian Context” in International Handbook of Ecumenical Diakonia: Contextual Theologies and Practices of Diakonia and Christian Social Services -- Resources for Study and Intercultural Learning, Oxford: Regnum Books, 2021●Hosah: Theology of the Holy Spirit in Indonesian (Simalungun) - Indigenous Perspective. Seoul: Yonsei University, 2020●“Justice and Common Good”: Roh Nusantara dan Jiwa Pancasila dalam Menatang Keragaman Tubuh Indonesia di Ruang Publik, Jakarta: Lembaga Index, Kemenkumham RI, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, 2020●https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1CfP3YUAAAAJ&hl=en●ORCID: ParulihanSipayung (0000-0003-3916-8161) - ORCID | Connecting Research and Researchers